Hotel Señorio de Olmillos,
Amcotur Group

The Hotel - restaurant " Señorío de Olmillos " a four stars category is the result of two years of conversion and improvement of the XVth century Castle of Olmillos Castle until its conversion into a fantastic and charming hotel of 28 rooms, snack bar, lounge - dining room and meetings room.
The Catle of Olmillos de Sasamón presents a jewel of the military medieval architecture of Burgos built by D. Pedro de Cartagena. The construction of the Olmillos Castle began in 1446 when Don Pedro de Cartagena, a converted Jew of Burgos, founded the primogeniture.
The family shield , the flower of lis, is profusely reflected in the slender towers of the fortitude. The castle wasn’t made for the purpose of war, but as a small palace or strong house where the Lord imposed on his vassals his jurisdiction and lordship.
At the beginning of the XIXth century, immediately after the French invasion, the guerrillas Santos Padilla and Melchor Cossío lit fire to the castle on July 22, 1812.
Along its existence, the Olmillos Castle has belonged to the lordship of Cartagena (XVth and XVIth centuries); of the viscounts of Valoria (XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries) and of the dukes of Gor (XIXth century).
In the XXth century it became a property of the count of Arteche and the San Jose family. At the moment, it has been beautifully restored and adapted to the hotel sector by its current owners, the company Turconsa, S.A.